Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Revelation Expands

One January Winter afternoon, as I walked along my neighbor's driveway to give care for their rabbits while they were on vacation, I looked across a wooded area and on the ground of this grey dreary day, I spied a large colorful orange. Upon inspection, it looked in perfect condition, uncompromised. I peeled it. It smelled OK. It tasted OK and I thoroughly enjoyed this juicy orange. As I walked back along their driveway I heard God say, "I can even provide fresh citrus." To which I replied, "That's good because I would get tired of manna."
Two days later, I was walking down a path in my neighborhood that I seldom had reason to take, but I had parked my car down on the street. Halfway down I found myself turn around and look back to see another, much smaller orange, about 8 feet from the path. I went back to get it and continued on my way. After reaching my destination of the home of a client, I took that small orange and put it into my large coat pocket. God said, "If you take that orange into the house you will have to share it with those 4 children." To which I said, "If I don't feel like sharing it I can just leave it in my pocket." About 15 minutes in their home and I was upstairs playing with the kids so my friend could get ready for the arrival of her midwife. I didn't make a conscious decision to share the orange, I just remember sitting on the end of the bed with this tiny orange in hand, starting to peel it and 4 little drooling, bright eyed faces waiting eagerly as if anticipating a candy delight. I divied out one teeny, tiny slice to each and then 2 to me and another to each and then with one section left, I held it up and asked, "Who should get this one? Me?" To which one of the little boys grabbed the slice, hesitated for any objections, and without any, he quickly put it in his mouth. This was a delightful experience.

Upon leaving their home, God said, "I will use you to feed many."
'Well, that's cool,' I thought.

I am learning I seldom truly understand the interpretation of all God says to me and recently I had the thought of the position I may have in the next life of feeding many. Until now, I just envisioned myself speaking to a rock to become bread and passing it around. Since the death of my husband, I have eternity future frequently in my imagination of possibilities.

All we do here, whether a big or small action, has consequences for loss or blessing with our existence on the new earth.

Friday, May 27, 2011

26 Years of Prayer Finally Answered

My husband of 26 years died last month and I have been having the most intimate thoughts of love with the Father for my late husband. I loved him so much and truly respected the intensity of his love for God, me and our children and those whom God put in his path. He often came home beaming with a story of how he had brighten someone's day who was having a real bad day. Tom loved people, every stranger was a person he could engage in conversation and then cheer them up.

I am relieved and satisfied that Tom is dancing with Jesus and at peace in every way. Now I am beginning to see the depth of my love for him in the years of prayer invested for his life and healing. I never saw the the answer to my prayers until he was in the hospital dying. I felt the glory of God all around him and His grace abundantly over my life. I have not had one day where I have not praised God that Tom's broken heart is now completely healed. I never realized just how deeply I loved him until these past few days. I could have shown him more respect while he was with me but I did my best and I can hear Father God say, "Well done Carmen. You are my faithful servant." It is amazing how the painful memories keep fading and deeper revelations of the intensity of his love for me and our children keep coming. But most of all, these past 3 years Tom lost almost everything of material value and he still proclaimed, "I know this was all God's will and I know He loves me," and he continued to serve the Lord.

"Tom, you made me proud. You will be missed. I look forward to our dance in heaven. You are at the top of my dance card." Carmen