I don't have to go through nook and cranny at our house to see the extra stuff that needs a good home. Love INC gets linens for the Linen Closet, and also some excellent condition books and nick knacks for their Gift Closet, and the Kitchen Closet at Love INC gets dishes and sundry utensils. Nice clothes to Calvary Chapel for their clothing drive and Vina Moses gets everything else. Furniture share is destined to receive the extra furniture we don't need but those items are in the garage needing to be unburied first. And that doesn't even address anything Tom has accumulated over the past 25 years. And we have a fully furnished house in Lincoln City to pack and move. If I would focus on one room at a time it will be less overwhelming. And if I do some every week it will progress satisfactorily. Clothing first as the Drive is this weekend.
My relationship with Jesus used to feel this way. Little issues would not get addressed timely and accumulated to the unbearable, times spent with Him were sporadic, prayer was offered when I became desperate and my christian walk felt cluttered. It didn't matter what good stuff I did or good christian books I read, if I didn't keep my life cleaned up, keep short accounts and meet with Him in the cool of the day regularly. I would dry up and become lifeless, without joy.
It is amazing how I am benefiting from allocating the clutter in my home, I am naturally simplifying my walk with God.
If Jesus returns like a flash of lightening in the sky and we are raised up to meet Him (raptured?) What will any of my stuff matter. He takes care of me until then. He doesn't need my assets, IRA, stock portfolio or stuff to take care of me during these last days. I expect Him to raise the dead and rain manna from heaven for those in His sanctuary because buying and selling will not be an option. I believe the year 2012 will represent earthly changes so severe that that is the reason the Mayan calendar only goes to 2012. Who knows. The Holy Spirit knows and He is able to open the eyes of anyone who has eyes to see in order to reveal mysteries in the Word, prophesies fulfilled and announce the arrival of the season of the last age.
My life is bound to become more simple and less weighed down. He is requiring that of me. I feel the sense of urgency to be ready for the events soon to come upon us. Come quickly Lord Jesus. Come.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
God Is Good
God assured me He is willing to work in the heart of another if I am willing to pray. I am grateful to see some maturity blossoming in my walk with Him and my prayers with Him. I am also recognizing why it takes so long for Him to answer some prayers. He would love to bless me with instantaneous results but then it would indicate I was praying rightly and not praying amiss.
"You have not because you ask not." About 5 months ago I began to ask God what that really meant because I was attributing it only to petitions. I have since come to believe is refers to all questions that come up during my day, or that I can think of. For example, asking what a specific verse means. Or, how will I know what I am to do? Where, how, what do You want me to change. How or what should I be seeking. What do You want to do with my day? Why did You call me to nursing and then pull the rug out from under me? One day I asked Him how to pronounce the place Illyricum. He gave me a pronunciation that works for me so if I ever need to read that passage out loud, I can read it without hesitation or stammering to try and figure out how to say it.
It seems, my passion to know and understand is paying off when I realize how it compels me to seek Him for the interpretation or for understanding. No question is too small or dumb. So, I am beginning to ask Him a lot of questions. He smiles a lot at me. And our relationship is growing.
"You have not because you ask not." About 5 months ago I began to ask God what that really meant because I was attributing it only to petitions. I have since come to believe is refers to all questions that come up during my day, or that I can think of. For example, asking what a specific verse means. Or, how will I know what I am to do? Where, how, what do You want me to change. How or what should I be seeking. What do You want to do with my day? Why did You call me to nursing and then pull the rug out from under me? One day I asked Him how to pronounce the place Illyricum. He gave me a pronunciation that works for me so if I ever need to read that passage out loud, I can read it without hesitation or stammering to try and figure out how to say it.
It seems, my passion to know and understand is paying off when I realize how it compels me to seek Him for the interpretation or for understanding. No question is too small or dumb. So, I am beginning to ask Him a lot of questions. He smiles a lot at me. And our relationship is growing.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Effective Prayer
I know I can think too little of Father God and the Holy Spirit. I have been committed to practicing honesty as I stand before the Lord. I continue to pray for the heart of a child. I often have to confess pride or a lack of trust in Him, and then I pray, "Lord, help me in my unbelief." That type of simple honesty with myself and Jesus has been very healthy for my walk with Him. But the prayer that I hear occasionally at prayer meeting is one of pomp and pretense which negatively affects the whole group. Whether any one individual realizes it or not, many drift out of the presence of God. I feel it first with myself and then it is apparent with others in the group.
It seems the next couple prayers offered are weak or also religious sounding. I sigh a quick prayer for help and recently even prayed out loud, "Father God, help us to pray as You want us to pray and ask what You want us to ask." Then prayer picks up again and the saints pray petitions as one who stands before the Lord.
Recently, I sense I am to say something to a particular brother. Though all will have to be very clear and sure before I do. But when he prays, I invariably, and almost immediately, am jolted into my little space and out of the Holy of Holies.
I have been praying for this individual since our week of prayer and fasting. I have spoken a word of encouragement to him that I finally felt sure it was what Father God had for me to give to him but it got worse. A couple days ago, this brother in the Lord read from Scripture, "Search me oh God and know my heart." I don't remember if he prayed beyond that but it has become my prayer for him to see how he hides his pride and unbelief behind this pious religiosity.
I am afraid my flesh would enjoy saying something savory to this brother so I keep to myself. I am getting to the place where I am wanting him set free from this blind spot and not care so much for him to change so I wouldn't have to endure his dead prayers. For his sake, it would be best for me to genuinely care about him and start praying God use someone else to help him recognize the shortcoming but that could just be a cop out. In the meantime, I continue to pray for him and keep my mouth shut.
My soul, seek God while He may be found and listen not to the lies of the enemy. Trust God with the heart of a child and believe Him. My soul, think not too little of our creator. Give Him a chance to prove Himself mighty on my behalf. It is time to lay hold of all He has for me in the authority vested in me by Jesus. May I represent Him well and use the gifts He has given me to His glory and not shy away from speaking the truth in love. An honest wound inflicted in love is better than cowardly disobeying God. I am still hoping He will take care of it without me speaking a word. I shall stand firm in my resolve.
It seems the next couple prayers offered are weak or also religious sounding. I sigh a quick prayer for help and recently even prayed out loud, "Father God, help us to pray as You want us to pray and ask what You want us to ask." Then prayer picks up again and the saints pray petitions as one who stands before the Lord.
Recently, I sense I am to say something to a particular brother. Though all will have to be very clear and sure before I do. But when he prays, I invariably, and almost immediately, am jolted into my little space and out of the Holy of Holies.
I have been praying for this individual since our week of prayer and fasting. I have spoken a word of encouragement to him that I finally felt sure it was what Father God had for me to give to him but it got worse. A couple days ago, this brother in the Lord read from Scripture, "Search me oh God and know my heart." I don't remember if he prayed beyond that but it has become my prayer for him to see how he hides his pride and unbelief behind this pious religiosity.
I am afraid my flesh would enjoy saying something savory to this brother so I keep to myself. I am getting to the place where I am wanting him set free from this blind spot and not care so much for him to change so I wouldn't have to endure his dead prayers. For his sake, it would be best for me to genuinely care about him and start praying God use someone else to help him recognize the shortcoming but that could just be a cop out. In the meantime, I continue to pray for him and keep my mouth shut.
My soul, seek God while He may be found and listen not to the lies of the enemy. Trust God with the heart of a child and believe Him. My soul, think not too little of our creator. Give Him a chance to prove Himself mighty on my behalf. It is time to lay hold of all He has for me in the authority vested in me by Jesus. May I represent Him well and use the gifts He has given me to His glory and not shy away from speaking the truth in love. An honest wound inflicted in love is better than cowardly disobeying God. I am still hoping He will take care of it without me speaking a word. I shall stand firm in my resolve.
Friday, June 5, 2009
A Great Flood and Torential Rains Coming
About 4 years ago, God told me a great flood was coming to the Willamette Valley and mighty torrential rains. In my immaturity, I thought this meant an actual precipitation (water) flood. I was just reacquainting myself with God after repenting of telling God, "I quit!" 8 years prior. I turned my back on God but His plans for me had not been thwarted. This was the most terrible time in my life.
Yesterday, when we experienced the sudden onset of the tiny torrential downpour and spots of flash flooding throughout the Willamette Valley, I saw how an actual flood was very easily possible. If torrential rains came down simultaneously throughout the whole Willamette Valley, and they lasted more than 20 minutes, the water table would immediately begin to rise. Years ago, I envisioned the rain so terrible it would be impossible to drive through and motorists would be stranded in their cars. The waters could rise so fast everyone would be caught off guard and unprepared. I have been keeping my eyes open for cheep life jackets (due to my budget limitations) but I haven't come across any. I did receive an inflatable raft (free) last year but have yet to make sure it inflates and doesn't leak.
I mentioned in a previous blog of meeting Diane from Georgia this week. Well, I met John, her husband after prayer offering this morning. Our visit confirmed many things for me regarding how I believe God is preparing the leaders of Calvary Chapel Corvallis for the great flood of repentance that is coming. God is equipping His saints throughout the valley to be ready to receive these new converts, many from off the streets and also those who are coming down from high (haughty) places. Some are saints who are reconnecting with God, repenting of bitterness toward Him and/or an apathetic spirit.
An organization, Love INC (In The Name of Christ), will be very instrumental in uniting the local (Lynn/Benton Counties) God fearing churches. My prayer for unity of the saints is: All the local pastors will lock their arms and form a hedge of protection for the whole flock of Jesus' saints.
I am still inclined to think this prophesy could represent both a water flood and a great flood of repentance. Regardless, I am open to be prepared for anything God has in store for me during this last and final terrible age.
In answer to a question I had, God used Diane to remind me that 'martyr' meant 'witness' and I will be the best martyr He calls me to be, by His grace, even unto the death.
Yesterday, when we experienced the sudden onset of the tiny torrential downpour and spots of flash flooding throughout the Willamette Valley, I saw how an actual flood was very easily possible. If torrential rains came down simultaneously throughout the whole Willamette Valley, and they lasted more than 20 minutes, the water table would immediately begin to rise. Years ago, I envisioned the rain so terrible it would be impossible to drive through and motorists would be stranded in their cars. The waters could rise so fast everyone would be caught off guard and unprepared. I have been keeping my eyes open for cheep life jackets (due to my budget limitations) but I haven't come across any. I did receive an inflatable raft (free) last year but have yet to make sure it inflates and doesn't leak.
I mentioned in a previous blog of meeting Diane from Georgia this week. Well, I met John, her husband after prayer offering this morning. Our visit confirmed many things for me regarding how I believe God is preparing the leaders of Calvary Chapel Corvallis for the great flood of repentance that is coming. God is equipping His saints throughout the valley to be ready to receive these new converts, many from off the streets and also those who are coming down from high (haughty) places. Some are saints who are reconnecting with God, repenting of bitterness toward Him and/or an apathetic spirit.
An organization, Love INC (In The Name of Christ), will be very instrumental in uniting the local (Lynn/Benton Counties) God fearing churches. My prayer for unity of the saints is: All the local pastors will lock their arms and form a hedge of protection for the whole flock of Jesus' saints.
I am still inclined to think this prophesy could represent both a water flood and a great flood of repentance. Regardless, I am open to be prepared for anything God has in store for me during this last and final terrible age.
In answer to a question I had, God used Diane to remind me that 'martyr' meant 'witness' and I will be the best martyr He calls me to be, by His grace, even unto the death.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Suicide On The Rise
A friend called the other day because she had just heard of a friend of mine who had committed suicide a couple months ago by hanging herself from her poster bed. I had already learned of the tragedy shortly after it occured. Tom had to break the news to our 19 year old daughter, Jamie, because she adored Christine.
Tom and I are news junkies (well, he is, and I eavesdrop with the TV on in the background most of the time). Today, several suicides were reported in the local news. Then, I learn of Charlene's precious cousin who committed suicide. The evidences of being in the last days is escalating as quickly as I have anticipated. There is so much need for desperate prayer and extreme faith.
I met Diane yesterday. She and her husband left Georgia 4 months ago, leaving nothing behind, and setting out with their 3 children on a mission from God. They have prophetic gifting and her husband identifies with Jeremiah, The Weeping Prophet. So many confirmations are continuing to arise and there seems to be a convergence of like mindedness on the part of God's people. When the congregations of other bible believing fellowships in our community unite together in one accord, with one voice, and one desperate purpose, the out flowing of the Holy Spirit will arrive.
We are seeking holiness through repentance of sin, desperation in prayer for all the Saints and proclaiming the good news to everyone God puts in our path. I proclaim, without reservation, that the days of the end of the age are upon us. It is still the beginning of many, many horrific days; where many others whose lives have touched our own, will commit suicide. Jesus is our anchor and prayer is a great responsibility. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty for the tearing down of strongholds. May we wield the Sword of the Spirit of Truth with precision and great effectiveness for the glory of God and the fulfillment of His great commission given to us.
May the peace of God reign in our hearts, whether we weep and mourn loss or rejoice in new life. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Come Lord Jesus. Come. Come quickly.
Tom and I are news junkies (well, he is, and I eavesdrop with the TV on in the background most of the time). Today, several suicides were reported in the local news. Then, I learn of Charlene's precious cousin who committed suicide. The evidences of being in the last days is escalating as quickly as I have anticipated. There is so much need for desperate prayer and extreme faith.
I met Diane yesterday. She and her husband left Georgia 4 months ago, leaving nothing behind, and setting out with their 3 children on a mission from God. They have prophetic gifting and her husband identifies with Jeremiah, The Weeping Prophet. So many confirmations are continuing to arise and there seems to be a convergence of like mindedness on the part of God's people. When the congregations of other bible believing fellowships in our community unite together in one accord, with one voice, and one desperate purpose, the out flowing of the Holy Spirit will arrive.
We are seeking holiness through repentance of sin, desperation in prayer for all the Saints and proclaiming the good news to everyone God puts in our path. I proclaim, without reservation, that the days of the end of the age are upon us. It is still the beginning of many, many horrific days; where many others whose lives have touched our own, will commit suicide. Jesus is our anchor and prayer is a great responsibility. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty for the tearing down of strongholds. May we wield the Sword of the Spirit of Truth with precision and great effectiveness for the glory of God and the fulfillment of His great commission given to us.
May the peace of God reign in our hearts, whether we weep and mourn loss or rejoice in new life. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Come Lord Jesus. Come. Come quickly.
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